Adding a Recurring Gift from Centralized Order Entry (COE)

Recurring gifts are gifts that are set up to recur on a regular interval. Recurring gifts can be set up from Centralized Order Entry (COE) as well as from the Fundraising Module.

To add a recurring gift from Centralized Order Entry (COE), complete the following steps:

Note: Centralized Order Entry (COE) can be accessed from several places within netFORUM. This example will focus on accessing COE from the Individual Profile. Regardless of where you access COE, the steps to add a recurring gift are the same.

  1. Go to the Individual Profile for the person who will be making the recurring gift.
  2. Click the Invoice icon located in the Actions Bar of the Individual Profile.The Centralized Order Entry page appears.
  3. Expand the Select Product drop-down menu found in the Actions section of the COE page.
  4. Click the Fundraising hyperlink.The Add - Centralized Order Entry - Gift pop-up window appears.
  5. Expand the fund code drop-down menu and select the fund to which the individual will be making the recurring gift.
  6. Complete the rest of the fields as you normally would when adding a gift. Please view the Adding a Gift help topic for more details.
  7. Click the Save and Finish button to return to the main COE page.
  8. Expand the batch drop-down menu and select the batch you will be using to process this recurring gift.
  9. Expand the type drop-down menu and select the recurring option.
  10. Expand the payment method drop-down menu and select the method of payment that will be used for this recurring gift.
  11. Enter the amount to be paid in the payment amount field if an initial payment is going to be made towards this recurring gift. If no initial payment is going to be made, leave this field blank.
  12. Click the auto apply payment? check box.
  13. Expand the frequency drop-down menu and choose how often the recurring gift will be made. The choices are:
    • Monthly
    • Every 2 Months
    • Quarterly
    • Every 4 Months
    • Semi-Annually
    • Annual
    • Twice per MonthWhen the Twice per Month option is selected the first date and second date fields will appear. These fields allow you to select the two dates during the month when you wish payment for this recurring gift to be made. For example if you select 15 in the first date field and 30 in the second date field, a gift will be made in the amount specified on the 15th and 30th of every month.
  14. Enter the name of the individual writing the check in the name on check field.
  15. Enter the check number in the check number field.
  16. Click the Save button.
  • Recurring gifts can be found on the recurring gifts child form located on the Constituent Profile .
  • The anonymous? check box has been added on the Gift page in COE. Previously, you would have to select the anonymous? check box on the Edit - Fundraising Gift page from the Fundraising Gift Profile after having saved the initial transaction in COE.